Emergency sound systems at sports venues


Emergency sound systems at sports venues

August 6, 2024
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University of Bolton Lancashire

A rare find in best practice literature is a title that slices horizontally through a number of “silos” owned by US-based domain incumbents such as NFPA, ICC, IEEE and others.  Several occupancy classifications run interstitially and present challenging risk aggregations–similarly recognized in the EU–when 100,000 people must be put out of harms way in less than 60 seconds.  One such title is Code of Practice: BS 7827 Designing, specifying, maintaining and operating emergency sound systems for sports grounds, large public buildings, and venues.  From the project prospectus:

Maintenance, Emergency measures, Safety devices, Reports, Crowd safety, Certification (approval), Inspection, Audio systems, Forms (paper), Speech transmission systems, Reliability, Instructions for use, Personnel, Sound intensity, Approval testing, Training, Audio equipment, Performance, Stadia, Warning devices, Electric power systems, Alarm systems, Signal distortion, Sports facilities, Safety measures, Public-address systems, Audibility, Acoustic measurement, Reception, Sound reproduction, Buildings, Control panels

The current 2019 Edition was released October 2019 and is assumed to be stable.  You can tell by the list of normative references from European Union standards developers that event safety is an established discipline and one that requires continual attention despite the circumstances of the pandemic.

Michigan Stadium is the largest university-owned sports venue in the world. with nominal seating capacity of 110,000 and auxiliary enterprises that add another 20,000.

More information about how our colleagues may contribute to the development of future revisions to this titles should communicate directly with BSI Group Technical Committee EPL/100.  We collaborate with European Union electrotechnical professionals through the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets online 4 times monthly in European and American time zones.

We maintain this title on the standing agenda of our Sport and Global colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.


Category: Sport, Global, Information & Communications Technology, Life Safety

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Mike Hiler





Case Study: Center Grove Community School Corporation Security

August 6, 2024
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Standards Indiana § Greenwood

“Center Grove Schools enters the 2022/2023 school year with a new high-tech safety partner — Centegix CrisisAlert — purchased in part with school safety grant money that pairs with their Emergency Operations Center that opened in January 2022.  The CrisisAlert program  puts security at the fingertips of all teachers and staff.

Both systems address what the district learned it had to work on from a school safety assessment back in 2018 – live monitoring and faster response times in an emergency.   Seven-hundred cameras will scan every school in real-time from the district’s Emergency Operations Center. — More”

Center Grove school security at the push of a button

Security 100

Center Grove Community School Corporation

“A Sunny Day in Springville (Lawrence County, Indiana)” | n.d. Will Vawter

Exploring technological preventive methods for school shootings

August 6, 2024

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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Exploring technological preventive methods for school shootings

Kelechi M. Ikegwu – Evelyn Sowells – Howard Hardiman

Department of Computer Systems Technology, North Carolina A&T State University


ABSTRACT.  The horrific and tragic deaths that have resulted from infamous school shootings have deprived Americans of the sense of security in what has traditionally been a nurturing and safe environment. This paper will discuss different preventive methods for school shootings. The most current preventive methods are examined for fitness based on a variety of school shootings that have occurred in the past. Then a framework for a new school shooting protection device is proposed and evaluated. Concepts from computer vision, anomaly detection, and electromagnetic propulsion are discussed with respect to the proposed framework. Ideally, the goal of the framework presented in this paper is to prevent deaths and injuries from occurring during a school shooting. With the framework, an efficient and comparatively affordable preventive method could be released in the near future.

CLICK HERE to order complete paper


K-12 School Security


August 5, 2024
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Fruit Smoothie

August 5, 2024
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West Virginia University Financial Statement 2022 | $1.178M

The WVU Extension is a primary outreach division of West Virginia University. With offices in each of the state’s 55 counties, Extension faculty and staff develop and deliver programs in leadership development, rural and community-based economic development, youth development, workforce development, and health education.


3 cups frozen strawberries or other frozen fruit
1 banana
1 cup yogurt (plain or vanilla)
1 handful spinach or kale
2 cups of milk


Wash fresh produce.
Collect and measure all ingredients before starting recipe.
Add the fruit, yogurt and greens to the blender.
Pour the milk into the blender.
Blend 30 to 45 second until smooth.
Refrigerate leftovers within two hours, and finish within two days.

Nutrition information per serving (recipe makes six one-cup servings):
Calories — 120; fat — 2g; carbohydrates — 21g; fiber — 2g; protein — 5g

Geoffrey Hinton & Joel Hellermark

This conversation was recorded in April 2024 at the Royal Institute of Great Britain in London. An edited version was premiered at Sana AI Summit on May 15 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Geoffrey Hinton has been called “the godfather of AI” and is considered one of the most prominent thought leaders on the emergence of artificial intelligence. He has served as a faculty member at Carnegie-Mellon and a fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. He is now Emeritus Professor at the University of Toronto. In 2023, Geoffrey left his position at Google so that he could speak freely about AI’s impact on humankind.

Five Best Coffee Shops in Birmingham

August 5, 2024
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Academic Catalog

Annual Impact Report Fiscal Year 2022

Highlands College opens residence hall funded by gift from Hobby Lobby CEO | January 2023

It's never too late for a coffee. After all it's morning somewhere in the world. - Zooey Deschanel

Thomas Newman Score | Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe

The Decline of Men on Campus

Standards Alabama

“The Story of My Life” 1905 | Helen Keller

Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, a small town in northern Alabama.

  • “I am just as deaf as I am blind. The problems of deafness are deeper and more complex, if not more important than those of blindness.”
  • “The highest result of education is tolerance.”
  • “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
  • “The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me.”
  • “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
  • “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
  • “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.”
  • “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”
  • “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”
  • “The only way to be happy is to love. Unless you love, your life will flash by.”

Kitchen Wiring

Health 400 | OB-GYN

August 5, 2024
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National Center for Health Statistics: Birth Data Files

Today we break down regulations, codes, standards and open-source literature governing the safety and sustainability of university-affiliated medical research and healthcare delivery facilities.  Because of the complexity of the topic we break down our coverage:

Health 200.   Survey of all relevant codes, standards, guidelines and recommended practices for healthcare settings.

Health 400.  All of the above with special consideration needed for obstetrics, gynecological and neonatal clinical practice and research.

Today we confine our interest to systems — water, power, telecommunication and security; for example — that are unique to campus-configured, city-within-city risk aggregations.  Electrotechnologies (voltage stability, static electricity control, radio-interference, etc.) in these enterprises are subtle, complex and high risk.  Sample titles from legacy best practice literature in this domain are listed below:

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Levels of Maternal Care

Provision of Care, Treatment, and Services standards for maternal safety

Since our interest lies in the habitable spaces for these enterprises we usually start with a scan of the following titles:

International Building Code Section 407 (Institutional Group I-2) identifies requirements specific to healthcare settings, covering aspects such as fire safety, means of egress, and smoke compartments. Maternity and obstetric facilities within hospitals fall under this classification.

K-TAG Matrix for Healthcare Facilities

NFPA 70 National Electrical Code Article 517

NFPA 99 Healthcare Facilities Code

NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Chapters 18 & 19

ASHRAE 170 Ventilation of Healthcare Facilities

ASHRAE 189.3: Design, Construction and Operation of Sustainable High Performance Health Care Facilities

Relevant Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers research

Towards Deeper Neural Networks for Neonatal Seizure Detection

A System to Provide Primary Maternity Healthcare Services in Developing Countries

Deep Learning for Continuous Electronic Fetal Monitoring in Labor

Reorganizing of University Hospital of Oran’s operating theatre: Simulation approach

Finally, we collaborate with the IEEE E&H Committee on the following IEC committee projects from IEC/TC 62 Electrical equipment in medical practice:

– Common aspects of electrical equipment used in diagnostic imaging equipment

– Equipment for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetry

– Electromedical equipment for neonatal care



Journal of Healthcare Management Standards: Operational Resilience of Hospital Power Systems in the Digital Age

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Health care cost as percentage of Gross Domestic Product for six representative nations.

Association of Academic Health Centers

International Conference on Harmonization: The ICH guidelines provide guidance on the development of pharmaceuticals and related substances, including clinical trials, drug safety, and efficacy.

Animal Welfare Act and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Good Laboratory Practice: GLP is a set of principles that ensure the quality and integrity of non-clinical laboratory studies. It ensures that data generated from non-clinical laboratory studies are reliable, valid, and accurate.

International Code Council Representation of Interests

University of Chicago


August 5, 2024
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2021 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code

International Code Council: 2024 Group A Proposed Changes 

ISO 37101 Sustainable development in communities

“The Architect’s Dream” 1840 Thomas Cole

Today we examine the catalog of several ANSI-accredited, consortia and ad hoc standard developers with titles relevant to the planning, construction and management of the built environment of education communities nested within human settlements characterized by a high population density, extensive infrastructure, and various economic, social, and cultural activities.  In other words, from the point of view of a campus as a “city within a city” with attention to infrastructure.

College town zoning regulations

Several organizations and bodies in the United States that develop model codes and standards related to zoning and land use. These model codes and standards are often adopted or referenced by municipalities in their zoning ordinances. Here are some prominent organizations and their model codes:

American Institute of Architects

AIA Handbook of Professional Practice 15th Edition

American Planning Association

Zoning Practice Manual

American Society of Civil Engineers

Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures

American Society of Landscape Architects

Sustainable Sites Initiative Rating System

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

2028 National Electrical Safety Code

Optimization of Transmission Line Right-of-Way

Reducing the duration of right-of-way acquisition process for high voltage transmission power lines projects

Diminishing the Right of Way (RoW) With Multi Voltage Multi Terminal Transmission Tower

Information System for the Vegetation Control of Transmission Lines Right-of-way

Partially underground transmission circuits: safety issue for current and future power systems

International Code Council

International Zoning Code

International Standardization Organization

Sustainable cities & communities

National Fire Protection Association

Code ignis MMXXVII

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Technical Requirements for Weighing & Measuring Devices

Each of the foregoing titles have some bearing upon decisions about land use.  However, keep in mind, that zoning regulations are primarily established at the local level by municipalities, cities, and counties, rather than through national standard bodes. These organizations and their codes provide guidance and best practices for zoning, but specific regulations can vary significantly between different jurisdictions.  They are frequently incorporated by reference into regulations by governments at all levels.

Join us today with the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Here are some community colleges in the United States that are embedded within cities, offering students the advantages of an urban setting:

  1. City College of San Francisco – San Francisco, California
  2. Los Angeles City College – Los Angeles, California
  3. Borough of Manhattan Community College – New York, New York
  4. Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus – Miami, Florida
  5. City College of Chicago  – Chicago, Illinois
  6. Seattle Central College – Seattle, Washington
  7. Austin Community College – Rio Grande Campus – Austin, Texas
  8. Houston Community College – Central Campus – Houston, Texas
  9. San Antonio College – San Antonio, Texas
  10. Portland Community College – Cascade Campus – Portland, Oregon
  11. Washtenaw Community College – Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti, Michigan

These community colleges not only provide access to higher education but also offer the benefits of being located within major urban centers, including proximity to job markets, cultural institutions, and public transportation.

Healthcare Organization Management

August 5, 2024
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Open consultations:

ISO/NP 25199 – Guidelines for Processing Multiple Use Healthcare Textiles – Deadline: 5  September 2024 (Send Mike a message)

“Une leçon clinique à la Salpêtrière” 1887 André Brouillet

Many large research universities have significant medical research and healthcare delivery enterprises. The leadership of those enterprises discount the effect of standards like this at their peril. It is easy to visualize that this document will have as transformative effect upon the healthcare industry as the ISO 9000 series of management standards in the globalization of manufacturing.


Standardization in the field of healthcare organization management comprising, terminology, nomenclature, recommendations and requirements for healthcare-specific management practices and metrics (e.g. patient-centered staffing, quality, facility-level infection control, pandemic management, hand hygiene) that comprise the non-clinical operations in healthcare entities.

Excluded are horizontal organizational standards within the scope of:

    • quality management and quality assurance (TC 176);
    • human resource management (TC 260);
    • risk management (TC 262);
    • facility management (TC 267), and;
    • occupational health and safety management (TC 283).

Also excluded are standards relating to clinical equipment and practices, enclosing those within the scope of TC 198 Sterilization of health care products.

This committee is led by the US Technical Advisory Group Administrator —Ingenesis.   The committee is very active at the moment, with new titles drafted, reviewed and published on a near-monthly basis,


DPAS ballot for ISO PAS 23617- Healthcare organization management: Pandemic response  (respiratory) —Guidelines for medical support of socially vulnerable groups – Comments due 16 October

ISO-TC 304 Healthcare Organization Management- Pandemic response – Contact tracing – Comments due August 3, 2023

[Issue 14-99]

Contact:  Lee Webster (lswebste@utmb.edu, lwebster@ingenesis.com), Mike Anthony (mike@standardsmichigan.com), Jack Janveja (jjanveja@umich.edu), Richard Robben (rrobben1952@gmail.com), James Harvey (jharvey@umich.edu), Christine Fischer (chrisfis@umich.edu), Dr Veronica Muzquiz Edwards (vedwards@ingenesis.com)

Category: Health, Global

Workspace / ISO 304 Healthcare Administration


Journal of Healthcare Management Standards: Operational Resilience of Hospital Power Systems in the Digital Age

ISO Focus Special Issue on Healthcare

ISO/TC 48 Laboratory equipment

ISO/TC 212 Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems

ISO/TC 198 Sterilization of health care products

How do standards contribute to better healthcare?

  • The American National Standards Institute — the Global Secretariat for ISO — does not provide content management systems for its US Technical Advisory Groups.  Because of the nascent committee, inspired by the work of Lee Webster at the University of Texas Medical Branch needed a content management system, we have been managing content on a Google Site facility on a University of Michigan host since 2014.Earlier this spring, the University of Michigan began upgrading its Google Sites facility which requires us to offload existing content onto the new facility before the end of June.  That process is happening now.  Because of this it is unwise for us to open the content library for this committee publicly.  Respecting copyright, confidentiality of ISO and the US Technical Advisory Group we protect most recent content in the link below and invite anyone to click in any day at 15:00 (16:00) UTC.  Our office door is open every day at this hour and has been for the better part of ten years.

Maternity Metrix

August 5, 2024

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