Evensong “A Gaelic Blessing”


Traditional Irish Soda Bread

March 17, 2024
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Ballymaloe Cookery School is situated on a 100-acre organic farm in County Kerry.  It produces the freshest vegetables, fruit, meat and dairy products, all of which are used in the kitchen every day. We teach a diverse range of cooking styles but the fundamental message we pass on to our students is the importance of putting time and effort into sourcing the highest-quality ingredients.

Kerry College of Further Education

Detailed recipe with variants

National Standards Authority of Ireland

Newman Centre

March 17, 2024
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“The love of our private friends

is the only preparatory exercise

for the love of all men.”

— John Henry Newman

Coláiste Nuaman | Ballykelly County Tuaisceart Éireann










The Newman Centre in Ireland is a Catholic chaplaincy and student center located at University College Dublin. The center is named after Blessed John Henry Newman, a prominent 19th-century Catholic theologian and cardinal who was recently canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church.  Its spaces are open to Catholic students and staff at the university, as well as for the wider community. These include daily Mass, confession, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Bible study groups, social events, and retreats. The center also hosts talks and lectures on topics related to Catholicism and the Catholic intellectual tradition, and supports student-led initiatives and outreach programs.

The Newman Center is part of a global network of Newman Centers and Catholic campus ministries that aim to provide spiritual and intellectual support for Catholic students in higher education. The centers are typically named after John Henry Newman, who wrote extensively on the role of education in developing the whole person and fostering a deeper understanding of faith and reason.





























Sacred Spaces


Abiit sed non oblitus | Southern Birmingham College

March 14, 2024
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Transport & Parking

March 14, 2024

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Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

We need to re-scale and re-organize our approach to the mobility topic generally — responsive to most best practice discovery results — as recorded in technical literature and landing in regulations at all levels of government.  The size of the domain has expanded beyond our means.  We need to approach the topic from more angles — distinguishing among land, air and space mobility — following market acceptance and integration.

Throughout 2024 our inquiries will track relevant titles in the following standards catalogs:

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

International Code Council

National Fire Protection Association

ASHRAE International

We will maintain priority wherever we find  user-interest issues in product-oriented standards setting catalogs (ASTM International, SAE International and Underwriters Laboratories, for example).  Agricultural equipment standards (were Michigan-based ASABE is the first name) will be place on the periodic Food (Nourriture) and Water standards agenda.  Each organization contributes mightily to the “regulatory state” where we are, frankly, outnumbered.  When their titles appear in interoperability standards that affect the physical infrastructure of campuses we will explore their meaning to our safer, simpler, lower-cost and longer-lasting priority.  (See our ABOUT)

Join us today at the usual time.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.


Drivers facing the yellow-light-dilemma

Electric Vehicle Open Charge Point Protocol


EV Charging Stations Integration into Public Lighting Infrastructure

Connected & Automated Vehicles

Economics of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in a Campus Setting

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for Long Distance Travel in Sweden

Collision Resistant Hash Function for Blockchain in V2V Communication

“Waiting for the School Bus in Snow” 1947 John Phillip Falter

Electric Vehicle Charging

International Zoning Code

International Energy Conservation Code

International Existing Building Code

Electric Vehicle Power Transfer

Gallery: Electric Vehicle Fire Risk

Standard for Parking Structures

Energy Standard for *Sites* and Buildings

High-Performance Green Buildings

“Gas” 1940 Edward Hopper


March 14, 2024

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Today we refresh our understanding of the discovery and application of the mathematical constant π.  The Greek letter π was chosen because it is the first letter of the Greek word “periphery” or “circumference” (περιφέρεια in Greek). It was a natural choice to represent this mathematical constant, which is fundamental to geometry and many other fields of mathematics and science.

Its value was not determined by any one person or organization. Rather, it is a convention that developed over time through the work of many mathematicians; starting with Archimedes.  The earliest known use of the symbol π for the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter was by Welsh mathematician William Jones in 1706. However, it was the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler who popularized the use of π in the 18th century. Euler used π in his numerous mathematical publications, and his influence helped establish the use of the symbol as standard notation.

e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0

The Euler equation is a mathematical equation that is widely used to analyze the behavior of electrical circuits and to calculate the complex power and reactive power.  The complex power of an electrical circuit is a complex number that represents the total power in the circuit, including both the real power (which represents the energy that is actually consumed by the load) and the reactive power (which represents the energy that is stored and released by the circuit’s reactive elements).

The Euler equation is used to represent the complex power in polar form, where the magnitude represents the total power in the circuit, and the phase angle represents the relative contributions of the real and reactive power.  By using complex power analysis, engineers can calculate the real power, reactive power, and apparent power (which is the magnitude of the complex power) of the circuit, as well as the power factor, which is the ratio of the real power to the apparent power.

Power factor is an important parameter in AC circuits, as it represents the efficiency with which the circuit is delivering power to the load.

Overall, complex power analysis provides a powerful tool for analyzing the behavior of AC circuits, and it is used extensively in the design and analysis of electrical power systems, shown in the polar form phasor calculation below.

From “Electrical Power System Protection and Coordination” Michael A. Anthony, McGraw-Hill Book Company 1994


Today at 15:00 UTC we will examine this calculation specifically, but also expand upon how the value of π shows up in nearly every other engineering discipline.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.


There are several physical constants that are considered to be important in the known universe. These constants are fundamental properties of nature and do not change over time or space. Here are some of the most important physical constants:

  1. Speed of light (c): This constant represents the speed at which light travels in a vacuum. Its value is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second. This constant plays a critical role in our understanding of the universe and is the fastest speed that anything can travel in the known universe.
  2. Planck constant (h): The Planck constant is a fundamental constant of nature that appears in almost all quantum mechanical equations. Its value is approximately 6.626 x 10^-34 joule-seconds. It plays a crucial role in the description of the behavior of subatomic particles and is used in calculations involving quantum mechanics.
  3. Gravitational constant (G): The gravitational constant represents the strength of the gravitational force between two objects. Its value is approximately 6.674 x 10^-11 newton-meters squared per kilogram squared. This constant plays a crucial role in the study of gravity and is used in calculations involving celestial mechanics.
  4. Boltzmann constant (k): The Boltzmann constant relates the average kinetic energy of particles in a system to its temperature. Its value is approximately 1.381 x 10^-23 joules per Kelvin. This constant is important in statistical mechanics and is used in calculations involving the behavior of gases, liquids, and solids.
  5. Avogadro constant (NA): The Avogadro constant represents the number of particles in one mole of a substance. Its value is approximately 6.022 x 10^23 particles per mole. This constant is important in the study of chemistry and is used in calculations involving chemical reactions and the properties of materials.
  6. Electron charge (e): The electron charge represents the fundamental charge of an electron. Its value is approximately -1.602 x 10^-19 coulombs. This constant is important in the study of electromagnetism and is used in calculations involving electric fields and electric currents.

These constants are critical to our understanding of the universe and are used in a wide variety of fields, from physics and chemistry to engineering and technology.


March 13, 2024

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Ulster University Graduate Fashion Show

Style is a manner of doing or presenting things and may refer to:

Fashion is a form of self-expression and autonomy at a particular period and place and in a specific context, of clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and body posture. The term implies a look defined by the fashion industry as that which is trending. Everything that is considered fashion is available and popularized by the fashion system (industry and media).   Given the rise in mass production of commodities and clothing at lower prices and global reach, sustainability has become an urgent issue among politicians, brands, and consumers.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Textiles

The Local Economy of Fashion

Fashion’s Micro Utopias

Orderly Fashion: A Sociology of Markets

Leveraging User-Provided Noisy Labels for Fashion Understanding

Standard Specification for 100 % Cotton Denim Fabrics

Art, Design & Fashion Studios

Fuzzy Logic in Personalized Garment Design

The Real Difference Between Fashion and Style

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