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Student Accommodation

ENR (December 7, 2023) University of Michigan Signs P3 for $631M Student Housing Project

Harvard University Dormitory Room | Smithsonian Museum | Thomas Warren Sears Collection

Today we break down public consultation notices for literature that sets the standard of care for the safety and sustainability of student housing in K-12 prep schools, colleges and universities.  We deal with off-campus housing in a separate session because it involves local safety and sustainability regulations; most of which are derived from residential housing codes and standards.

Monograph: The Case for Campus Housing

Off-Campus Housing

The topic cuts across many disciplines and standards setting organization bibliographies. We usually set our bearing with the following titles:

2021 International Building Code: Section 310 Residential Group R-2 + related titles such as the IFC, IMC, IPC, IECC

2021 Fire Code: Chapter 6 Classification of Occupancy  + related titles such as NFPA 70B, NFPA 72 and NFPA 110

2023 National Electrical Code: Articles 210-230 + related Articles 110 and 410

ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings: Annex G

Like any other classification of real property the average cost for room and board for a public university student dormitory depends on several factors such as the location of the university, the type of dormitory, and the meal plan options.  According to the College Board, the average cost of room and board for the 2021-2022 academic year at a public four-year in-state institution was $11,620. However, this figure can range from around $7,000 to $16,000 or more depending on the specific institution and its location.   It’s important to note that this average cost only includes the basic meal plan and standard dormitory room. Students may also have additional costs for a larger or more luxurious dorm room, a premium meal plan, or other expenses such as laundry or parking fees.   

According to ring Rider Levett Bucknall, a global property and construction consultancy firm, the average construction cost for a student housing facility in the United States in 2021 was around $202 per square foot. However, this figure can range from around $150 to $300 per square foot or more depending on the specific project.  Life cycle cost for new facilities with tricked out net-zero gadgets is hard to come by at the moment.

Because money flows freely through this domain we examine scalable densities and the nature of money flow patterns; partially tracked by the Electronic Municipal Market Access always on the standing agenda of our Finance colloquium.


National Institute of Standards & Technology: The Character of Residential Cooktop Fires

Deserted College Dorms Sow Trouble for $14 Billion in Muni Bonds

Dormitory, Fraternity, Sorority and Barrack Structure Fires

Here are a few pros and cons of private sector construction of university-owned student housing:


  1. Increased housing availability: Private sector developers may be able to build more student housing units than a university could build on its own, which can help to alleviate the shortage of on-campus housing for students.
  2. Faster construction: Private developers may be able to complete construction projects faster than universities, which can help to reduce the amount of time that students must wait for new housing options.
  3. Reduced financial burden on the university: The cost of building and maintaining student housing can be significant, and private sector developers may be willing to bear some of these costs. This can help to reduce the financial burden on the university and free up resources for other initiatives.
  4. Professional management: Private developers may have more experience managing large housing projects and may be able to provide more professional management services than a university could provide on its own.


  1. Higher costs for students: Private developers may charge higher rents than a university would charge for student housing, which can make housing less affordable for some students.
  2. Reduced university control: Private developers may have different priorities than a university would have when it comes to building and managing student housing. This can lead to a reduced level of control for the university over housing quality, management, and policies.
  3. Potential conflicts of interest: Private developers may be more focused on making a profit than on meeting the needs of students or the university, which can create potential conflicts of interest.
  4. Less transparency: Private developers may not be subject to the same level of transparency and accountability as a university would be when it comes to housing policies, decision-making processes, and financial management.

It’s important to note that these pros and cons may vary depending on the specific circumstances and context of each individual university and private sector partnership.

Gallery: Off-Campus Accommodation

Why You Need Standards

Department of Justice Antitrust Case Filings

When we talk about standards in our personal lives, we might think about the quality we expect in things such as restaurants and first dates. But the standards that exist in science and technology have an even greater impact on our lives. Technical standards keep us safe, enable technology to advance, and help businesses succeed. They quietly make the modern world tick and prevent technological problems that you might not realize could even happen…”

Technical Requirements for Weighing & Measuring Devices

Kappa Kappa Gamma

Kappa Houses & Facilities

Off campus sorority and fraternity houses face safety challenges: Some of these issues include:

  1. Security concerns: Greek houses can be targeted for theft or vandalism, especially during large gatherings or events. Limited access control can contribute to security challenges.  They may not be within the purview of the central settlement security unit.  
  2. Fire hazards: Large gatherings, cooking facilities, and electrical systems within these houses pose fire risks. We cover best practice for all occupancy classes routinely; once or twice a month.
  3. Structural issues: Older fraternity and sorority houses are beautiful architecturally but will have maintenance or structural issues that can compromise the safety of residents. Regular inspections and maintenance are necessary to address potential hazards.
  4. Health concerns: Close living quarters can contribute to the rapid spread of illnesses, especially in cases like outbreaks of contagious diseases. Adequate hygiene practices and health protocols are crucial.
  5. Lack of supervision: In some cases, the absence of proper adult supervision can contribute to risky behavior. Establishing clear guidelines and ensuring responsible oversight can mitigate potential problems.
  6. External threats: Proximity to campus or urban areas may expose Greek houses to external threats, such as crime or disturbances. Implementing security measures and collaborating with local law enforcement can help address these concerns.

Addressing these challenges requires a combination of effective policies, education, and collaboration between Greek organizations, university administrations, and local authorities to create safer and more secure environments for all members.  We cover the standards of care — typically nationally developed titles with local adaptations — several times a year.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting.

Student Accommodation

“Tea, Earl Grey, Hot”

The command issued by the character Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the television series “Star Trek: The Next Generation” finds its way into the archive of photographs of Nobel Laureates consorting with politicians at the University of Michigan and elsewhere.

Attendees of the Theoretical Physics Colloquium at the University of Michigan in 1929.

American Institute of Physics Archive


Ex Libris Universum

…”There’s not good math explaining forget the physics of it.  Math explaining the behavior of complex systems yeah and that to me is both exciting and paralyzing like we’re at very early days of understanding you know how complicated and fascinating things emerge from simple rules…” — Peter Woit [1:16:00]

Coffee & Tea Standards

Since 1936 the Brown Jug has been the ancestral trough of generations of University of Michigan students and faculty — notably. Donald Glaser (inventor of the bubble chamber) and Samuel C. C. Ting (Nobel Laureate) whose offices at Randall Laboratory were a 2-minute walk around the corner from The Brown Jug.  As the lore goes, the inspiration happened whilst watching beer bubbles one ordinary TGIF Friday.

The Brown Jug is named after the Michigan vs Minnesota football trophy, which is the oldest in college football.

Electropedia: The World’s Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary

Public Consultations

Public consultation on joint ISO standard 80000 that defines quantities and units for space, time, thermodynamics, light, radiation and even the characteristic numbers for each of the foregoing closes October 11th.

“City at night” 1958 | Harald Rudyard Engman

Electropedia is produced by the world’s peak electrotechnical standardization organization that oversees 214 technical committees that provide a neutral and independent platform where agreement can be found on electrotechnical solutions with global relevance and reach.  The IEC operates close-coupled with the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)

IEC 60050 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Part 601: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity | April 16

International Electrotechnical Commission | CDV Consultations


Elettrotecnico Lingua Franca


If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. - Nikola Tesla

“The Big Chill” Morning Coffee

“Amazing tradition.

They throw a great party for you

on the one day they know you can’t come.”

Sam (Tom Berenger)


Michigan Central

Roger Scruton: Why Are Intellectuals Mostly Left?

Amy Wax: The Perilous Quest for Equal Results in Academia

University of Oxford: Tackling Corruption in the University

Heather MacDonald: Feminist Takeover of Academia

Jordan Peterson: Intellectual Corruption of Colleges and Universities


Best Coffee Spots Near Campus

George H.W. Bush 1991 University of Michigan Commencement Speech on “Political Correctness”

“Ironically, on the 200th anniversary of our Bill of Rights, we find free speech under assault throughout the United States, including on some college campuses. The notion of political correctness has ignited controversy across the land. And although the movement arises from the laudable desire to sweep away the debris of racism and sexism and hatred, it replaces old prejudice with new ones. It declares certain topics off-limits, certain expression off-limits, even certain gestures off-limits.”

Purpose-Built Student Accommodation

10 Tampa Bay

Standards Florida

Schools install laundry facilities to help students in need, improve attendance

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